Atlas Spinal Care Announces Expanded Wellness Offerings 

Therapeutic Yoga & Pilates Now Available in New Satellite Location

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: November 28, 2018

(Vancouver, WA) – Doctors Jonathon and Tara Douglas of Atlas Spinal Care announced an expansion of their wellness offerings today with the addition of a new fitness studio.

Dubbed "The Fitness Room at Atlas Spinal Care," the studio is the only pilates studio on Vancouver's east side. The studio also offers group and private yoga, yin yoga and pilates/yoga sessions for rehabilitation in a non-gym environment. Located at 1401 Southeast 164th Avenue, Suite 130, Vancouver, WA, the new studio is just steps away from the Atlas Spinal Care clinic at 16500 SE 15th Street, Suite 160.

Citing substantial medical and field research on the healing effects of such offerings, particularly in combination with chiropractic treatments and massage, the Doctors Douglas are confident that these expanded services will further enhance their patients' ability to heal.  

“Our small-group and private yoga and pilates classes allow our instructors to focus on individual healing,” Dr. Jonathan Douglas said. “The studio is friendly, safe, and nurturing—a place where our patients can safely work on wellness guided by caring professionals.”

To introduce the new studio services, some classes are offered at no charge in December. Class size is limited, and reservations are on a first-come-first-served basis. 

For a complete listing of available classes and private sessions, call Atlas at 360-718-7944, or use the MindBody app (available through iTunes and the Google Play store) under Atlas Spinal Care. (

About Atlas Spinal Care

Atlas Spinal Care serves the Portland/Vancouver metro area with alternative (non-surgical or drug-based) treatment methods for migraine headaches, chronic headaches, neck pain and whiplash. The multi-disciplinary clinic integrates the best of Atlas Orthogonal procedures, activator technique, massage and therapeutic yoga to achieve real and lasting solutions to pain. This service is unique in the Portland/Vancouver metro area. Find Atlas online at

The Fitness Room at Atlas Spinal Care

1401 Southeast 164th Avenue, Suite 130, Vancouver, WA 98683

Atlas Spinal Care

16500 SE 15th Street, Suite 160,  Vancouver, WA 98683